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10 December 2024 09:00-16:00Produktionstekniskt Centrum

Composite Technology 2024 - December 10th in Trollhättan

Welcome to a day that highlights the latest in composite product manufacturing.

Composite Technology 2024 will offer an exciting mix of seminars, mini-exhibitions, demonstrations, and knowledge exchange on the opportunities and challenges in the industry. Be inspired by new technologies, new materials, and new methods in composite production, as well as concrete solutions for creating a smarter industry.

Collaboration and new knowledge

The purpose of Composite Technology 2024 is to allow companies to share their experiences and show how they managed to overcome challenges by developing their skills, collaborating with partners and experts, and creating an understanding of what is required to achieve their goals.

Some of the companies participating during the event are GKN Aerospace, Juteborg, Exxon Mobile, Elitkomposit, IMCD, RISE.

Register here



Breakfast & coffee

Produktionstekniskt Centrum - PTC

Demonstrations and composite demos

Produktionstekniskt centrum (GKN Aerospace)


NOVA företagens hus

Innovative Resin Systems: Expanding the Potential of Composite Materials

Introducing Proxxima™ polyolefin thermoset resin systems. With its super-low viscosity and controllable fast cure, Proxxima™ can streamline your production across a broad set of applications. It provides a balance of strength and toughness, resulting in improved fatigue performance and enables weight savings thanks to its low density.

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Robert Luttu
EMEAF Business Development Manager Proxxima™ , ExxonMobil

From Nine Tons to 0.14 Grams: Navigating Between Unique Structures and Mass Production

Typically, advanced composites are used wherever traditional materials have reached their limit and no longer function well. Composites can be tailored to provide multifunctional behaviour in various combinations, i.e stiffness combined with radio transparency, structures with integrated sensors, or conductive components with low radiation absorption.

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Erik Kullgren
Process design- and development, Elitkomposit AB


NOVA restaurant


NOVA företagens hus

Exploring Swedens composite and lightweight markets

Christian Olsson
Verksamhetsledare SIP LIGHTer & Medlemsprogram Lättvikt

Decomplexifying Sustainability: Innovations Shaping the Future of Composites

Dan Andersson will talk about how IMCD, as a distributor, can simplify, assess, and classify sustainable materials from a wide range of manufacturers.

Martin Pernryd will present Arkem Elium resin – an innovation that simplifies the use of recyclable thermoplastics in composites.

Read more
Dan Andersson
Head of sustanibility Advanced Materials, IMCD
Martin Pernryd
Sales Manager Södra och Östra Sverige, IMCD

New challenges for Aerospace Engines & Composite Materials

How can composite help to address the challenges of the aviation industry? Multifunctional composite can push the boundaries of the use and application of composite for future next generation of aero-engines. Adeline talks about on-going research project that will show the innovative solution to offer lightweight multifunctional composite component.

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Adeline Kullerstedt
Composite Technology Cluster Lead & Senior Specialist at GKN Aerospace

Navigating Talent Shortages: Strategies for the Composite Industry

Henrik Jolfsson
HJ Custom Composite Production AB

Coffee, networking and exhibitions

NOVA företagens hus


NOVA företagens hus

Presentation of the network, EUCIA


CO2-neutral Biobased Electric Vehicle Enablers

Read more
Mohammad Rouhi
Moderator & Senior researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Thank you for participating

Practical information

Date: December 10th 2024
Production Technology Center - PTC Building 73 | Nohabgatan 18a | Trollhättan

Last day for registration:
December 3rd

The event is free of charge but requires registration and cancellation if you cannot attend the event.

Register here

Are you interested in exhibiting or demonstrating your product or have other questions about the event?

Contact project manager  Victor Blom at Innovatum Science Park
Phone: +46 79-062 21 02

Christian Olsson. project manager at RISE

Phone: +46 10 228 49 34

Arrangeras av

Produktionstekniskt Centrum

Hos oss möts tekniker och ingenjörer från företag och högskolans studenter och forskare för att utveckla såväl nya tekniker och metoder som affärsmöjligheter och kompetens för att göra industrin mer hållbar, effektiv och framtidssäker.

Huvudparter i PTC
Innovatum Science Park
GKN Aerospace
Högskolan Väst
IUC Väst